
fabric 链外数据,fabric搭建私有链

fabric 链外数据,fabric搭建私有链


Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries over the last decade. But one challenge that still persists is the integration of on-chain and off-chain data. Fabric, a blockchain framework hosted by Hyperledger, allows developers to build private chains that can seamlessly integrate with off-chain data. In this article, we will explore the concept of off-chain data in Fabric and guide you through the process of setting up a private chain using Fabric.

What is Off-chain Data in Fabric?

The on-chain data in Fabric includes all the transactions and smart contract code stored on the blockchain network. However, some data needs to be stored off-chain for various reasons, such as to maintain privacy, store large files, or interact with external systems. This off-chain data can be stored in external databases, legacy systems or cloud providers.

Why is Off-chain Data Important in Fabric?

Off-chain data in Fabric allows organizations to share data in a secure and efficient manner while maintaining the immutability and transparency of the blockchain network. It also allows for the storage of sensitive data without compromising privacy. With Fabric's off-chain data capabilities, enterprises can integrate with existing systems and applications, extend the functionality of smart contracts, and build custom blockchain solutions that meet their specific requirements.

How to Set Up a Private Chain Using Fabric?

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of off-chain data in Fabric, let's dive into the process of setting up a private chain. First, we need to set up a Fabric network consisting of peer nodes, orderer nodes, and a channel. This is done using Docker Compose, which simplifies the process of setting up and running the network. Once the network is up and running, we can create and deploy smart contracts using Chaincode.

After the smart contracts are deployed, we can begin storing off-chain data. Fabric provides several ways to store off-chain data, such as IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), databases, cloud providers, and legacy systems. The choice of storage solution depends on the type of data and application requirements.

To store data in IPFS, we need to install and configure the IPFS client on the peer nodes. This allows us to add, retrieve, and delete files stored on IPFS. To store data in databases, we can use Fabric's Chaincode for Databases (CouchDB), which enables smart contracts to interact with external databases. For cloud storage, we can use solutions like AWS or Microsoft Azure.


Off-chain data in Fabric is an essential component of building blockchain solutions for enterprises. It allows for the secure storage of sensitive data, integration with existing systems, and customization of smart contracts to meet specific business requirements. With the ability to seamlessly integrate off-chain data, Fabric is a powerful blockchain framework that is paving the way for the future of enterprise blockchain.

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