


What is a writer external link?

An external link, also known as an outbound link, is a hyperlink that points at a website or a webpage that is not part of the same domain as the current website. A writer external link is a link that a writer inserts in their article to provide additional information or reference sources for their readers.

Why is an external link important for a writer?

An external link can be crucial for a writer for several reasons:

  • It helps to provide additional information or resources that the writer might not cover in their article.
  • It improves the credibility and reliability of the writer's piece.
  • It boosts the chances of getting better ranking on search engines since search engines measure the relevance and usefulness of an article through its external links to high-quality sources.

What are the best practices for inserting an external link?

The key to using an external link in your article successfully lies in following these three guidelines:

  • Make sure the linked content is related to the sentence where the link is placed. Avoid inserting irrelevant content just for the sake of it.
  • Use anchor text in your links so that your readers can have a hint of the linked content. The anchor text should be descriptive instead of vague, for example, rather than simply saying \"click here,\" use \"read this article on the benefits of meditation.\"
  • Don't overuse external links. Use only the links that are relevant and necessary for your readers.

How can a writer quickly recall all their external links?

Keeping track of all the external links in a long article can be overwhelming and challenging to recall all of them. Here are some effective ways a writer can quickly remember all their external links:

  • Create a separate file or spreadsheet containing all the external links you used in your piece, organized by the respective anchor text.
  • Add your external links in an MLA or APA citation format at the end of your article or a separate bibliography section.
  • Making a habit of inserting links at the same areas of your document, making it easier for you to remember where the links were inserted.

With these simple steps, a writer can effectively use an external link in their article and quickly recall all of them.

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