


What is an Email Outlink?

Email outlink refers to a link that is included in an email and when clicked by the recipient redirects them to a webpage. This type of link acts as a gateway that allows the recipient to access an external resource without leaving their email environment.

How to Create an Email Outlink from QQ Mail?

To create an Email outlink from QQ Mail, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your QQ Mail account.
  2. Click on \"compose\" to create a new email.
  3. Copy and paste or type the URL of the website you want to link to in the body of the email.
  4. Highlight the URL and click on the chain-shaped icon that appears on the toolbar.
  5. Click on \"OK\" to save the link.
  6. Complete the email and send it.

What is a Webpage Outlink from NetEase Cloud Music?

A webpage outlink from NetEase Cloud Music is a link that directs the user to a song on the NetEase Cloud Music website when clicked. The link can be shared with other people on different platforms, including social media and email.

How to Create a Webpage Outlink from NetEase Cloud Music?

To create a webpage outlink from NetEase Cloud Music, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the NetEase Cloud Music website and search for the song you want to share.
  2. Copy the URL of the song from the address bar of your browser.
  3. Paste the URL into the message body of the email, social media, or any other platform you wish to share the link on.
  4. Send the message.

Why use Email and Webpage Outlinks?

Using Email and webpage outlink offer various advantages, including:

  • They make it easy to share content with others from different platforms.
  • They help drive traffic to your website or social media platform.
  • They provide convenience to the recipient by allowing them to access the content without leaving their email or social media environment.
  • They create an excellent user experience, which can help establish your brand.


Creating Email and webpage outlinks is easy and comes with tremendous benefits. Whether you are sharing a blog post, website, or a song, including a clickable link can significantly increase the likelihood of your audience accessing your content.

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